Patient-centric Approach to Management of Atopic Dermatitis: Shared Decision-Making and Practical Considerations for Advanced Therapies

Presented by Christopher Bunick, MD, PhD, Alexandra Golant, MD, and Vivian Shi, MD, FAAD

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Patient-centric approaches to the management of atopic dermatitis with advanced therapies center on understanding the practical considerations and engaging in shared decision-making with patients. In a discussion led by Dr. Vivian Shi from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS), Dr. Christopher Bunick from the Yale School of Medicine and Dr. Alexandra Golant from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai provide insights on practical considerations and strategies for shared decision-making when incorporating advanced therapies into their treatment paradigms. Additionally, other topics include discussing safety with patients and a clinical scenario.

Shared Decision-Making in Atopic Dermatitis: Communicating Benefits & Risks


2m 38s

3m 14s

Practical Considerations When Using Advanced Therapies For Atopic Dermatitis


3m 31s

1m 22s

Meet the Speakers

Christopher Bunick, MD, PhD

Associate Professor of Dermatology at Yale Dermatology

Alexandra Golant, MD

Medical Director of the Dermatology Faculty Practice and Program Director of the Dermatology Residence Program at Mount Sinai

Vivian Shi, MD, FAAD

Associate Professor in the Department of Dermatology at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS)

Shared Decision-Making in Atopic Dermatitis: Communicating Benefits & Risks

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Practical Considerations When Using Advanced Therapies For Atopic Dermatitis

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